Blake Coble

Sales Associate | Cell: 307.343.0413 |

I have had the pleasure of calling Pinedale and Sublette County my home since 2013. I love it here and couldn’t think of living anywhere else, I am truly blessed to live in such a wonderful area. Originally from Tennessee, I found my way to Wyoming and decided to call it home. I have one daughter, Addison, who is my pride and joy. Coming from Laramie we are a Cowboy family. Go Pokes!

When the opportunity to move to Pinedale came about, we jumped at the chance. In my first five years working as the Finance Manager for the local auto dealership I was able to meet so many wonderful people. The relationships I have built with my clients inspired me to join the team here at Pinedale Properties. I am excited to be able to continue that same great service in Real Estate. My passion and dedication to my clients are my number one priority.

When I’m not in the office you can usually find me out golfing, boating, hiking, or skiing. The outdoor opportunities are endless here. If you are looking for that dream property I want to help you find it. Let’s get out and explore Sublette County to find that perfect home or property for you.